Down to Earth Words
for a better

Taking big ideas

Working with researchers to bring science to light

Share your discoveries.

Add wonder to the universe.

Let your science inspire and inform.

About our world

Synthesising science for the greater good

Get the word out.

Maximise use of your research.

Educate for a safer, healthier, happier world.

And Making Them Personal

Crafting stories that matter to people and planet

Reach new audiences.

Make a difference with your work.

Improve lives and livelihoods.

Kia ora

I'm Ursula

I’m here to help you share your science with the world.

vintage camera

take a look

My Work

I work with scientists and organisations to turn research into words, enabling discoveries to reach the people who need them.



Transforming science into crystal clear words for any audience or medium.



Gathering information to ensure your research is appropriately contextualised.



Composing text for visual and oral presentations to maximise the impact of your research.

Ursula is the complete package. Deep, expert knowledge. Clear, accessible writing. And a rare personality and empathy that gives life and meaning to complex ideas.

Toby Manhire

Editor-at-large at The Spinoff
UCSW Hirayama Fireworks catalogue 1880s

Ursula made it so easy to communicate our research because she knew what to ask, understood its purpose, and was able to explain it to others clearly.  

Professor Gregory MacRae

Structural Engineer at The University of Canterbury